Do us all a favor. Stay away from me. And I'll return the favor. It's a pandemic.

I have recommitted to staying home and away from you. Nothing personal.

The spike in cases we're seeing, and the lack of unity among the populace about how to deal with the virus, makes this an easy decision. I don't need to give the virus another place to land, nor do I need to inadvertently infect anyone.

I heard tonight that the World Health Organization said that more people have been infected by the virus in the past 24 hours than any previous 24-hour period during the pandemic.


Time to do my part, and you to do your part. Again. Still. More.

We have food here, and I don't need to get take-out or fast-food to satisfy wanderlust in our 10-mile radius of dining options.

And as a card-carrying introvert, staying home is even easier. (Although I'd never show you the card.)

I was gratified to see all but one person wearing a mask at Mom's funeral last week, and just as gratified to see folks distance themselves as much as possible in a relatively small church.

But it was a funeral, after all, and people shed a few tears, and other people offered hugs, and ... it happened.

Hoping those hugs gave nothing more than comfort and love, because that's the spirit in which they were received.

Yet, viruses don't have emotions and intents. So, who knows.

Tonight, I celebrate the return of Bob Uecker and Jeff Levering calling Brewers baseball on radio. It's aural comfort food, and while there are no guarantees how long MLB play will continue in 2020, I'll enjoy every game they play.

While I stay home.

We need to do the right things. We need to stop thinking we're smarter than we are, wiser than infectious disease experts. We're not. We need to think of each other, and do what we can to help each other.

I'd like to think that if I needed your help, you'd help, just as I'd help you if the roles were reversed.

So, let's help each other. Stay away from me. I'll stay away from you. Let's bring this pandemic back to a manageable level.

We'll get together on the other side of this. And maybe we'll hug.

Even the introverts. Maybe.